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We understand today's prevailing and evolving physical, human, and cyber-based threats ...
and what it takes to protect against them

Mission and Vision

To develop and deliver professional, focused and innovative protective security services and solutions; providing our clients with a safe and secure operating environment.


The total concept of information, personnel, physical and cyber security in order to provide protection against specific threats.

Protective Security


Our Services

Protective Security Risk Assessments

Businesses of all sizes face unprecedented security risks from a wide range of constantly evolving threats

Cyber and Information Security

More than ever your staff, clients and investors expect that information is being adequately protected 

Personal Security and Safety

Today’s threat environment is constantly evolving  and becoming increasingly malicious; in Australia and overseas

Intelligence and Surveillance

Business Continuity Management

Supply Chain Security Risk Management

Put simply, actionable intelligence puts you ahead of the curve, whether for business purposes or detecting nefarious threats and acts.

You can’t schedule disasters or mission critical events, but you can plan to mitigate their effects

Protection of business operations and associated supply chains against local and global security threats and risks

Through innovative and globally recognised service offerings tailored to meet the unique challenges faced by our clients we can equip businesses of all sizes with practical, scalable and cost-effective security solutions across all levels of operations.

Highly skilled, our security cleared and licensed professionals have proven backgrounds in specialist security organisations and are proficient in working within highly sensitive operational environments.

Our Memberships

We collaborate with likeminded and trusted partners in order to deliver best-practice and leading protective security services and support - allowing us to provide solutions that fit our client's unique requirements and budget.​

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Contact us to learn more about how we can assist you with our client specific protective security services and solutions.

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We honour and pay our respects to current and former members of the Australian Defence Force, and their families.

Montane Protective Security

Follow us for the latest news and information:
Nexus Norwest, Level 5, 4 Columbia Court
Baulkham Hills NSW 2153
Sydney Australia

Montane Protective Security AVOB
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Master License: 000102410

Information and Cyber Security     Risk Assessments     Protective Security     Resilience     Response and Recovery

Montane Protective Security 2025    

Master License Number: 00102410                             ABN 21 640 793 296

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