Russian-born army private and husband arrested in Brisbane, charged with espionage after accessing ADF material on 'national security interests'
A Queensland married couple have been charged with espionage after the army private wife allegedly took non-declared travel to Russia and instructed her husband to access ADF material from their Brisbane home.
The AFP and ASIO held a press conference on Friday to announce the arrest of the Russian-born Queensland couple, who have both obtained Australian citizenship.
ACCC warns of rising number of financial recovery scams
The ACC) has warned of a new scam campaign targeting Australians, this time posing as a form of recovery service to recover funds already lost to scams – for an upfront fee or other cost, of course. Such scams have risen significantly since December 2023, with 158 incidents reported to the ACCC’s Scamwatch program – a 129 per cent rise on the previous six-month period.
Microsoft employees in China banned from using Android phones
In response to prior data breaches and as part of its new Secure Future Initiative, Microsoft has advised its staff in China that when authenticating identity and accessing the corporate network or logging onto work machines, Android devices will no longer be allowed, and Apple iPhones will be mandated.
Three things to look for in the forthcoming intelligence review
When the approaching review is published, look for the proposal for a dedicated open-source intelligence agency thus emphasizing the need for better investment and coordination of open-source capabilities across government, recommendations to fill the evidence gap in prosecuting international crimes committed by Australians and suggestions to incorporate gendered reporting into Australia’s intelligence architecture to improve responses to crises.
Stabilisation vs Confrontation - The US, China and Australia
Since the Albanese government was elected, Australia has focused on stabilising relations with China. But there are limits to Australia’s ability to successfully pursue stabilisation if there remains a spectre of confrontation between its largest trading partner and its key security guarantor, the United States. Do either the US or China genuinely want to stabilise bi-lateral ties? And if they do, what is standing in the way?
Australia now needs ‘multilateral cooperation’ on cyber defence
ASPI Senior Analyst Malcolm Davis says Australia now needs “multilateral cooperation” on cyber defence. “We have multilateral cooperation on defence and national security in the traditional sense,” he told Sky News Australia. “Now we need to have the same approach with new domains such as cyberspace and space, and clearly here is an example of China using hacking technologies to attack our critical infrastructure.”
Latest insights on Australia’s money laundering and terrorism financing risks key to taking the profit out of crime
Australia’s efforts to fight financial and serious crime have received a boost with this week’s release of two national risk assessments on money laundering and terrorism financing by AUSTRAC. These provide a collective understanding of the scale and threat of money laundering and terrorism financing in Australia. Money laundering is a fundamental enabler of virtually all criminal activity and perpetuates crime by enabling criminals to reinvest their illicit profits into further crime.
Australian agency says China-backed hackers behind cyber crimes
Australia's government cybersecurity agency on Tuesday accused a China-backed hacker group of stealing passwords and usernames from two unnamed Australian networks in 2022, adding that the group remained a threat.
A joint report led by the Australian Cyber Security Centre said the hackers, named APT40, had conducted malicious cyber operations for China's Ministry of State Security, the main agency overlooking foreign intelligence.