SOCI Act 2024: Thales Report Reveals Critical Infrastructure Breaches in Australia
A rise in ransomware incidents and the embrace of artificial intelligence are considered potential data risks facing Australia’s critical infrastructure organisations, according to a new report. This news comes as new cyber security rules under the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 come into force in August 2024. The Critical Infrastructure Edition of the 2024 Data Threat Report found that ransomware incidents at critical infrastructure organisations are on the rise globally — even as these organisations explore the applications and data risks of AI. Read more
Law enforcement seriously concerned Albanese government may have approved visas to Hamas supporters
Police sources have sounded the alarm bells over the possibility the Albanese government approved visas to Hamas supporters, warning relaxed security measures could put community safety at risk. Immigration Minister Tony Burke's office confirmed that the visas of 23 Palestinians were cancelled after they had been issued and when they were already enroute to Australia. Read more
The Great Game in the Pacific Islands
Geopolitical competition in the Pacific Islands region is intensifying. From deals on policing in Solomon Islands to building parliamentary complexes in Vanuatu, China’s outreach and activities in the region appear indefatigable. Canberra and its partners are locked in a “state of permanent contest” with Beijing over influence in the region. Read more
CSIRO partners with Google to protect Australia’s critical infrastructure
Google and CSIRO announced a new research partnership to assist critical infrastructure operators in addressing vulnerabilities in commonly used software in the sector. Identifying and addressing risks in open-source software – used by many critical infrastructure entities – will be a key component of the research, and all findings will be made publicly and freely available. Read more
Australia must pick a ministerial lane for counter-terrorism responsibility
ASIO, and thus control of counterterrorism operations, recently returned to the Attorney-General’s portfolio, adding confusion to Australia’s operations and policies. With this, multiple ministers now have counterterrorism responsibilities, such a split across the government is not what Australia needs when ASIO assesses the security environment as more challenging than ever. Read more
Historical Analogues That Can Inform AI Governance
The increasing capabilities of artificial intelligence have raised questions about how to maximize its benefits while minimizing the risks that it may pose. Similar questions regarding governance have arisen for four technologies in recent decades: nuclear technology, the Internet, encryption products, and genetic engineering. Read more

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